Andrea Borsuk

Three Time Art Party Participant * Art Party Supporter

Consolare/ To Console


Artist’s Website


Artist’s Statement

Tarot Cards of Life feature a moment in a life—both poignant or banal. The cards (paintings on handmade paper) depict people and their changing status in life as they age. In this series, I explore how we connect through significant ceremonies or moments (wedding, births and death) or often, how we ignore each other through daily mundane activities (cell phone use, waiting in line, shopping). All individuals or groupings of people in these works are experiencing both significant moments of life or completely unspectacular instances. The sun rises, the day happens, a storm may pass, and life goes on. Or not. This work is about time and place and how little control we have over events in our life.


About the Artist

Andrea is currently working with New Museum of Los Gatos to create a multi-phased series of wall murals to become the foundation of the permanent Los Gatos history collection. These murals will lead viewers through time and place, incorporating historical artifacts from the museum’s permanent collection.