For over 30 years I have used the medium of photography as my most primary, expressive tool. The majority of my work is created on a small tabletop very much like a miniature theater. Themes for my work have included collected letters, an idea about marriage, observations when straying from home, and most consistently the exploration of still life, assemblage, and collage. I studied both Painting & Drawing and Photography as an undergraduate student at San Francisco State University and did graduate studies at Mills College, Oakland, California, specifically in photography. I have a thorough background in traditional and digital skills as well as alternative photographic processes, and have often crossed the territories of a variety of mediums. My work is in the collections of MOMA, San Francisco, The MFA, Houston, The Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, and I have quietly exhibited over the past 25 years. I am the Photography Chair at De Anza College, Cupertino, Calilfornia.
The quick capture of an image and the passage of time over its manipulation is combined in the series The Accidental Photograph. With the photographic image, a Polaroid print as the foundation, slowly over days, weeks, or months a conversation develops with a variety of casually collected materials. The techniques and substances of collage become the associated possibilities for what is seen in the still photograph. The images ask to be deciphered by the viewer’s own internal logic and are not suggestive of any one particular notion. It seems the nature of collage to be in flux through process and as likely through interpretations over time. Lastly, formal concerns are not avoided and they exist for equal contemplation.